Hommade Cappucino With Instant Coffee.

Hommade Cappucino. Homemade Cappucino Blast. ( Hommade Cappucino Muffins ).

Breakfast Recipes To Start The Day Off Right.


Time:  10min

Yield:  700g

Difficulty:  easy


1 cup of instant coffee (tea).

3 cups milk 


1 cup cocoa powder (powdered).

1 cup (tea) of sugar.

1 tablespoon(s) cinnamon powder.

1 tablespoon bicarbonate powder.

Method of Preparation :

  • In a bowl, mash instant coffee with a potato masher or spoon.

  • Add the powdered milk, chocolate, sugar, cinnamon, bicarbonate and mix. Transfer to lidded jars and store for up to 2 months.

  • To prepare, place 2 to 3 tablespoons of cappuccino in a cup with 250ml of hot water and mix until dissolved. Serve immediately.

Try the recipe once at home and you will like it very much.Click to see more delicious recipes

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