Best Panzanella Salad Recipe. Italian Salad.

 Panzanella Salad. What Is Panzanella Salad. (Panzanella salad Jamie Oliver).

Often those looking for a balanced diet turn to salad to balance their diet. However, to really turn a salad into a meal, some requirements need to be met. It's not just putting leaves and tomatoes and carrots. To have, in fact, a dinner salad, some ingredients are indispensable.

Panzanella salad


  • 1/4 ciabatta bread

  • 1/2 tablespoon caper

  • 5 to 8 cherry tomatoes, halved

  • 1 large chopped tomato

  • Parmesan cheese

  • Oregano

  • Basil

  • 1/2 clove of minced garlic

  • Red wine vinegar to taste

  • Black pepper, as per taste

Sauce: First, put the red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and mix well. The sauce is to taste and can be seasoned with salt and black pepper to taste.

How To Make Panzanella Salad :

Preparing this salad is simple. The tip to make it tastier is always to try to use the most ripe tomatoes possible. First, cut the ciabatta bread into cubes and place it in the oven with olive oil, seasoning with oregano, salt and pepper to taste. Thus, they should bake for approximately ten minutes.

Panzanella Salad Recipe Is Ready To Serve.

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